Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition

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This example determines a class precedence list for the class pie. The following classes are defined:

(defclass pie (apple cinnamon) ()) 
(defclass apple (fruit) ()) 
(defclass cinnamon (spice) ()) 
(defclass fruit (food) ()) 
(defclass spice (food) ()) 
(defclass food () ())

The set S = {pie, apple, cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t}. The set R = {(pie, apple), (apple, cinnamon), (cinnamon, standard-object), (apple, fruit), (fruit, standard-object), (cinnamon, spice), (spice, standard-object), (fruit, food), (food, standard-object), (spice, food), (standard-object, t)}

[The original CLOS specification [5,6] contained a minor error in this example: the pairs (cinnamon, standard-object), (fruit, standard-object), and (spice, standard-object) were inadvertently omitted from R in the preceding paragraph. It is important to understand that defclass implicitly appends the class standard-object to the list of superclasses when the metaclass is standard-class (the normal situation), in order to insure that standard-object will be a superclass of every instance of standard-class except standard-object itself (see section 28.1.2). is then generated from this augmented list of superclasses; this is where the extra pairs come from. I have corrected the example by adding these pairs as appropriate throughout the example. The final result, the class precedence list for pie, is unchanged.-GLS]

The class pie is not preceded by anything, so it comes first; the result so far is (pie). Remove pie from S and pairs mentioning pie from R to get
S = {apple, cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t} and R = {(apple, cinnamon), (cinnamon, standard-object), (apple, fruit), (fruit, standard-object), (cinnamon, spice), (spice, standard-object), (fruit, food), (food, standard-object), (spice, food), (standard-object, t)}.

The class apple is not preceded by anything, so it is next; the result is (pie apple). Removing apple and the relevant pairs results in
S = {cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t} and R = {(cinnamon, standard-object), (fruit, standard-object), (cinnamon, spice), (spice, standard-object), (fruit, food), (food, standard-object), (spice, food), (standard-object, t)}.

The classes cinnamon and fruit are not preceded by anything, so the one with a direct subclass rightmost in the class precedence list computed so far goes next. The class apple is a direct subclass of fruit, and the class pie is a direct subclass of cinnamon. Because apple appears to the right of pie in the precedence list, fruit goes next, and the result so far is (pie apple fruit).
S = {cinnamon, spice, food, standard-object, t} and R = {(cinnamon, standard-object), (cinnamon, spice), (spice, standard-object), (food, standard-object), (spice, food), (standard-object, t)}.

The class cinnamon is next, giving the result so far as (pie apple fruit cinnamon). At this point
S = {spice, food, standard-object, t} and R = {(spice, standard-object), (food, standard-object), (spice, food), (standard-object, t)}.

The classes spice, food, standard-object, and t are then added in that order, and the final class precedence list for pie is

(pie apple fruit cinnamon spice food standard-object t)

It is possible to write a set of class definitions that cannot be ordered. For example:

(defclass new-class (fruit apple) ()) 
(defclass apple (fruit) ())

The class fruit must precede apple because the local ordering of superclasses must be preserved. The class apple must precede fruit because a class always precedes its own superclasses. When this situation occurs, an error is signaled when the system tries to compute the class precedence list.

The following might appear to be a conflicting set of definitions:

(defclass pie (apple cinnamon) ()) 
(defclass pastry (cinnamon apple) ()) 
(defclass apple () ()) 
(defclass cinnamon () ())

The class precedence list for pie is

(pie apple cinnamon standard-object t)

The class precedence list for pastry is

(pastry cinnamon apple standard-object t)

It is not a problem for apple to precede cinnamon in the ordering of the superclasses of pie but not in the ordering for pastry. However, it is not possible to build a new class that has both pie and pastry as superclasses.

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